los angeles Garage Conversion

Aug 25

Garage conversion: Your at Home Stay-cation

Converting your garage correctly will not only add square footage to your home, (on an average, one square foot for the average house in Los Angeles worth $250-$350 making 400 SF of garage conversion worth $120,000 )but it can also provide a little mini get away which is something we all need.

Its common in the northern or more eastern states to utilize the basement space as the “mancave” – a place for a big screen TV to watch the game, or a place for teens to hang out in a safe, monitored environment. As you know, living in Los Angeles means we cant build basements, and attics are just to small and hot.. so what can we do? Garage conversion. Converting a garage to living space is one of the most cost effective ways to add space to your home and for sure add extra value too. It’s a more economical option than creating an addition, and Garage conversion's cost will rise in conjunction with the house price so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Here are some of our previous projects to give you some idea of the numerous possibilities of remodeling your garage with garageconversion.org. Click the image for additional info/photos.:

You want a break and need to de-stress. Wouldn’t a game room be a great addition to the house? So do it! Convert your garage to game room. Many of our clients turn their garage into game room to send their children to when they need a break while other clients build an adultgarage game room to escape the kids! Really, you can convert your garage to a man cave, recreation room, and add a wet bar. This beautiful converstion included a home studio and a pool table. What a great way to unwind after a hard days work. Click the image for additional info/photos.

Garage to recreation


The average garage to game room conversion cost varies widely between $5,000 and $20,000.

Spending the money on converting your garage to a recreation room is a life saver in the end. We all need to de-stress and having a private garage game room for yourself or having a play room to send your children to will give you the peaceful moments you desire.

Garage to game room two

This is definitely a place to have some fun! And you can have this or something similar in your home too! We'll find a way to fit your budget. 

Ok, so maybe what you need is a quiet place to work- away from the hustle and bustle of every day domestic life. Or perhapshaving a desginated space for homework could be benefitial to your children. Another option in Garage Conversion is to make your unused garage space into a separate home office.

Garage to Office

This particular garage remodeling was for a professor who wanted a space to work and still enjoy some of our beautiful Los Angeles weather. Who wouldnt want to come home to this? A relaxing place to be productive and get a moment away from a stuffy office or cubicle.

Garage to Home Office2

Here is another beautiful example of a home office space built from a converted garage. We put the desk next to a window so that this client can enjoy a nice view while working on various projects. A filing cabinet and mini fridge will keep everything organized, and easily accessable and allow you to work interrupted for as long as you'd need. 

Call us today for a free consultation and get a quote- never any obligation to buy- Just take a moment to see how using the cluttered, disorganized garages a functional space can only add value to your home, and invaluable relaxation time to your life.

Extra: Converting your garage to create your at home stay-cation! 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